Using FlexORM in AIR for Android

I’ve published the source of my AIR for Android Flex 4.5 “Hero” example application “My Shit-List!” to a GitHub repository. One of the really neat things in this example, aside from the new Flex mobile stuff, is the integration of FlexORM in the project to simplify my use of SQLite databases. FlexORM is an Object Relational Mapping framework for Adobe AIR and works just killer for stuff like this.

Here is a quick overview video which ties all the pieces of this project together:

12 thoughts on “Using FlexORM in AIR for Android”

  1. Make sure you create a “Flex Mobile Project” (as per video) and not an “Actionscript Mobile Project”. That messed me up! Thanks for the sample. Had to look up what a “Shit List” was though :)

  2. I find FlexOrm useful, but i can’t find good docs or more complex tutorial…

    Can you provide us with some links or, maybe, if you have time, a more complex tutorial?

      1. Well, a tutorial related with ManyToOneAssociations, OneToMayAssociations, ManyToManyAssociations and how make these configurations in FlexOrm in order to preserve referential integrity

  3. i know this kinda old , but thx for the vid .
    also i have the same request as Alessio , flexorm sounds like a good tool and i think it would be nice if you could make more tutorial .

  4. Hi, I just tried to download your Shit List Source code from above website (git hub) but seems it is no longer available and the link is broken. Could you kindly email it to me?

    Thanks a lot

  5. arash hosseini

    Hi Joseph , i have a question about flexorm , i use it for a air project that i have category table and product
    but when i want the categories list because of the relations orm bring all the data that is very expensive i think, is there any way that i just query the category table and bring back just the category names ?
    without their relationships about products.

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