
Still Waiting…

Here’s a simple, observable lesson for historical perspective: Guess what? Not dead yet. Not by a long shot. Stay tuned to happenings around Adobe MAX next week for more insights :)

Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 Books

Adobe today announced that Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 will be shipping fairly soon. This is great news for the community because the runtimes are LOADED with great new features. How do I know the features are great? Because I’ve been working with them for the past couple of months while writing a set …

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Creating Custom Context Menus in Flash

The assets for my 5 minute quick tip talk for the 2011 Adobe Education Leader Institute are located here. This is the completed example (Flash Professional CS5.5): [download AEL2011_FlashContextMenu] Here is an image preview: Here is the SWF: [SWF]http://inflagrantedelicto.memoryspiral.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/contextmenu.swf, 350, 300[/SWF] And here be the code bits! package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.ui.ContextMenu; import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem; …

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Adobe Press: Mobile Development with Flash Professional CS5.5

I’m happy to announce that I’ve undertaken a new authoring project for Adobe Press along with co-author Peter Elst and video2brain! The project is titled Mobile Development with Flash Professional CS5.5 and Flash Builder 4.5 : Learn by Video and is available for preorder on the Adobe Press website and at Amazon.com. At this point, …

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Flash Platform Runtimes Incubator Program

The Incubator is a new place on Adobe Labs for us to share with developers features that are under development or under consideration for inclusion in future versions of the runtimes*. For developers and companies who are interested in testing cutting-edge capabilities of runtimes, the Incubator program allows them to contribute to the future of …

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Flash Developers: What Comfort Zone?

After reading Seb Lee-Delisle‘s article “HTML5 vs Flash – the aftermath“, I have been collecting some thoughts around what it means to be a Flash developer in relation to other languages and platforms. Note that I do not believe the article is in any way antagonistic toward Flash as a platform or Flash developers… it …

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IIS7 URL Rewrite QuickTip: Allow Flash Gateway

We all know that ColdFusion allows Flash Remoting (AMF) communication to occur via two separate URL strings: http://my.site.com/flex2gateway http://my.site.com/flashservices/gateway I recently came across the problem where the URL Rewrite rules in IIS7 were blocking both of these URLs from being passed on and correctly processed by ColdFusion. The solution is to add the following two rules …

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Flash Player 10.1 for Mobile – Out Now!

A new era in mobile technology begins as Flash Player 10.1 for Mobile is released by Adobe: Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the release of Adobe® Flash® Player 10.1 to mobile platform partners. Redesigned from the ground up with new performance and mobile specific features, Flash Player 10.1 is the first release that brings …

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