
Flash Remoting (AS2) in Flash CS3

I’m surprised that while any sort of remote connection classes you could want are included in the core packages of ActionScript 3.0, if you are working with ActionScript 2.0 within Flash CS3, the classes you need are still not included under a default install. I’ve lamented this fact for years as it has held true …

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DUVAGAII in ‘The Source’

About a month ago, I was interviewed by a writer from the University of Denver faculty and staff monthly newspaper, ‘The Source’. The context of this meeting was the launch of the second iteration of our VAGA project this past January. I sat down with the writer and gave her a short demo of the …

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Apollo Security Sandbox

The documentation released along with the Apollo downloads is tremendous. Brushing through on a basic level, I’ve found the following item of interest: SWF files installed with Apollo applications do not need to look for cross-domain policy files. Capabilities that normally require another SWF file to grant access by calling the Security.allowDomain() method are not …

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Flash Player Security Sandbox is Smothering Me…

I’m currently building a standalone app in Flash/AS2 translated to an execuatable via Screenweaver. What has really been a downer are the incredible restictions placed upon BitmapData.draw(), which is used heavily throughgout the application. The really terrible thing is that we own all of the domains the loaded images and video are originating from, but …

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Zoomify in Photoshop CS3

Doing some quick research at the request of a client and learned that a Zoomify export is actually built into Photoshop CS3 beta! I’ve been using the beta since it’s release yet had never noticed this option till now. While not something I would likely be using- I can imagine this feature would be huge …

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ActionScript 3.0 and the Flex SDK

In my free time (right!) over the past few months, I’ve been working on some basic ActionScript 3.0 projects to familiarize myself with the new version. I’ve been using FlashDevelop linked into the Flex SDK to write and compile my code. While I have no gripes with Flex Builder 2, I find it amazing that …

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Fullscreen Flash Player ‘Gotcha’

I’m not sure whether this should be classified as a bug or not. I’m currently working on a project which utilizes the new fullscreen capabilities of Flash Player 9. The module in question retrieves images, audio, video, and other objects for display one-by-one in an individual presentation format. One thing we’ve included in the application …

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