
Big Day for Flash Player 10 (and 9)

So, we have both Flash Player 10 final ( released today on top of the CS4 products shipping. We also finally see Flash Player 9 bundled with the newest Playstation 3 update (2.50). Flash Player 10 Do I really need to write anything here? Native 3D, Custom Filter Effects, Dynamic Sound Generation, Fullscreen Keyboard Support, …

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Adobe Not to Blame for Amazon Exploit

I had heard about a security concern over Amazon’s video streaming service a few days ago with a lot of people (including some at Amazon) blaming Adobe for the security hole.  Apparently, there is an exploit in their (Amazons) player that allows stream-ripping a full video. I’ve read the documentation on FMS3 security features and …

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DU Visual Media Center Weblog

I’m taking a moment to highlight the Visual Media Center at the University of Denver and the relatively new weblog maintained by its Director, Leslie Trumble. The VMC works very closely with those of us on the DU VAGA development team and most of the feedback we receive about the application originates with users from …

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Creating a Splash Screen in AIR

A lot of desktop apps have a splash screen that brands the application while it is loading or performing other processes in the background. Adobe AIR does not have a direct mechanism for this- but the feature can be easily achieved with some nice windowing action. There are a number of steps to take when …

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Flash Player 9 FSCommand() Bug

I’m working on a rather large AS3 project through Fractured Vision Media which relies on the flash.system.fscommand package to properly transmit data from the application to its container layer. Unfortunately, we’ve come across a bug in which FSCommand calls are ignored! Through some quick research (e.g. Google) it was discovered that more than a few …

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E4X: Watch Your Namespace…

When using the new XML object in ActionScript 3 and parsing the data with E4X, if your XML data has a “xmlns” attribute- you may have a difficult time getting any accessible data out of it. The infuriating thing is that the process will fail silently without throwing any errors, returning null, undefined, or anything …

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Thoughts on Twitter…

Twitter is a really strange service. When I first caught wind of this, my immediate reaction was; do we really need to be pouring more ephemeral nonsense into an internet already smothering with useless information? I have to say that after using Twitter myself for the past few weeks, and playing around with the ActionScript …

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SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() and RTMP Violations

Same issues as with BitmapData.draw() and RTMP… SecurityError: Error #2135: Security sandbox violation: SoundMixer.computeSpectrum: RTMP content cannot be accessed using this API. I hate to sound like a broken record… and I know there are probably some really good reasons for this- but there should be a way around this RTMP security restriction. Developers want …

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Recent BETA Items of Interest

So, to delay my unavoidable participation in the initial “Flex/AIR/Flash” waterfall effect, I’ve waited till now to post anything about the massive new beta releases that have been available since last evening. Flex Builder 3: LOVE the new CSS design view. LOVE IT! I’m sure there are plenty more features of direct interest as well, …

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Messing Around with Twitter

I’ve taken some time today to experiment with Twitter using the ActionScript 3.0 API that is available. It’s a very simple class library and, as such, pretty easy to build a widget around. One thing that has bothered me a bit is the seemingly lengthy amount of time the services take to update the API …

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