Same issues as with BitmapData.draw() and RTMP…
SecurityError: Error #2135: Security sandbox violation:
SoundMixer.computeSpectrum: RTMP content cannot be accessed using this API.
I hate to sound like a broken record… and I know there are probably some really good reasons for this- but there should be a way around this RTMP security restriction. Developers want to do all the great things with Flash Media Server as they are able to do with a simple transfer over HTTP. This includes byte-level access to our data streams! To cripple us in this way (however good-intentioned) is bad for Adobe, bad for developers, and bad for Flash as a platform.
We just need some way around this- I personally don’t care how many hoops I have to jump through. Let’s work something out and get this restriction taken care of!
Totally agree – It even drove me to start my own blog – just not good eough!
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Hi, there is a way to access to RTMP spectrum if you set correctly the property “audioSampleAccess”, in an asc server script. ;-)