I have recorded a free series of 10 videos around Apache Flex and Adobe AIR with IntelliJ IDEA. I believe that moving forward, IntelliJ IDEA is the best IDE for learning and using Apache Flex. Adobe Flash Builder used to fill this role, but Adobe has discontinued it’s free licensing to students for some time now… and will most likely not be updating that tool in the perceivable future. As a bonus – IntelliJ IDEA is an absolute beast that can handle just about anything ;)
You can watch the playlist over on YouTube, or as embedded below:
Full source on GitHub: https://github.com/josephlabrecque/MobileFlex
I’m also working on a similar series focused on using Starling, Feathers, and Adobe® AIR® with IntelliJ IDEA.
Apache Flex, Flex, and Apache are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries, and are used with permission as of 2015. The Apache Software Foundation has no affiliation with and does not endorse or review the materials provided at this website.
Adobe, Adobe AIR, and Adobe Flash Builder are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Some of use have been working on FlexJS integration with IntelliJ. I actually have it working with code completion, MXML and external build tools for compiling with FalconJX.
And I’m working at the moment on the FlexJS compiler integration, it will avoid the use of the IntelliJ “External tools” and you will give you the same nice compilation experience than standard Flex projects, should be ready in 1 week or so, stay tuned !!
That will be nice Fred. :)
Yeah, FlexJS in IntelliJ would be very cool. Looks like it is some ways along! Thanks for sharing :)
Pingback: Starling, Feathers, and Adobe® AIR® with IntelliJ IDEA | In Flagrante Delicto!
Once booked, you are then just waiting for the day of your lesson. It was so embarrasing when someone looked
at your license and thought you were an easy mark if your licence stated you were divorced rather than single.
This feature is found in models such as Lexus,
Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen,.
the only thing bugging me with using flex in intelliJ is the greenish overlay for everything enclosed in CDATA tags.
Is there a way to disable this?
You know… I was messing around trying to solve that the other day with no success. Bugs me too!
settings/editor/Colors&Fonts/General/Injected Language Fragment
That did it – Thanks, Devin!
Hello, teacher. I wrote the code for feedView as below. But I’d appreciate it if you could tell me how this error could be solved.
1. errors
Error:(36, 0) [App 001]: Child elements of ‘View’ serving as the default property value for ‘mxmlContentFactory’ must be contiguous.
Error:(43, 0) [App 001]: ” declaration must be contained within the tag, since it is not assignable to the default property’s element type ‘mx.core.IVisualElement’.
2. code