Pleased to announce that I am the newest higher education representative on the Adobe Education Leader Advisory Board. The process involves being nominated by the current board members and then having nominees undergo an election among the AELs of a particular segment. The board itself exists within the AEL community as a way to provide direct representation of an AEL segment (in my case, higher education) to the Adobe Education Team. As you can see below; the board is full of stellarĀ AELs and I’m happy to be working with them in the coming years!
Higher Education:
Matthijs Clasener
Tom Green
Joseph Labrecque
Mark Shufflebottom
Kelly Kermode
Renaldo Lawrence
Dustin Parrish
Ian Usher
Megan Townes
Congratulations to Renaldo Lawrence and Megan Townes who are also new to the board.