This is just a record of the remaining presentations I’ll be doing this year. Things are quite different from other years, due to COVID-19, of course… I’ll update this as the need arises!
Photoshop Tennis
July 20 – Adobe at Learning (Hu)Man
Using Adobe XD to Design Presentations
July 22 – Adobe Creativity Workshop
Sharing with Zoom and Screen Capture Apps
July 23 – Teaching in a Time of COVID
Designing Interactive Motion using Adobe Animate
July 27 – GCEA Virtual Conference
Interactive Virtual Reality using Adobe Animate
July 28 – Adobe Education Summit
Producing In-Cognito Course Materials with Adobe Character Animator
August 5 – Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology
Building In-App Animate Tutorials with Tutorial Creator
October 14 – Adobe Creativity Workshop
This follows the earlier engagements I’ve had this year:
Explorations in Adobe XD and Animate
June 18 – Adobe Partners by Design
Adobe Creative Cloud Live!
April 15 – Elearning Consortium of Colorado
Design and Prototype for the Web with Adobe XD
January 16 – National Association of Government Web Professionals