It’s almost Hallowe’en in the United States. Invariably, a bunch of people will try absinthe for the first time at parties given its reputation as a “spooky” drink. This will probably involve either consuming absinthe as a “shot” or lighting it on fire, or both…
To help prepare newcomers to proper preparation and provide some solid facts around this misunderstood spirit, I’ve used the opportunity given to me by Adobe to instruct upon Flash Professional CC to also promote responsible absinthe imbibing as well. Here is a static version of the infographic we create in this series but there is also an animated Flash Player based version and an interactive HTML5 Canvas version as well:
You can get all of the assets used in the creation of these projects and watch the recordings at the Adobe Education Exchange:
- Easy animated infographics with Flash Professional
- Advanced animated infographics with Flash Professional
Flash Professional is GREAT for animating things like this!
Also, if you want to lean more about absinthe, The Wormwood Society (absinthe education organization) has a nice flyer and a bunch of other great information for you.
There is a lot of bad information out there. Good information is easy to come by though… please educate yourself and others on proper absinthe preparation.