Adobe MAX October 4-8, 2014, Los Angeles, CA
My first Adobe MAX was 2008 in San Francisco. This was also the time when I first stepped into my role as an Adobe Education Leader. As a result of these two events coinciding… I always look forward to connecting with both the wider Adobe community and specifically the ACP and AEL groups during community and education events. If you are involved in education and will be at MAX – check out the #CreateEdu Unconference on Sunday!
I have been to every single MAX since that time… so it’s strange that this will be the first time since then I will not be in attendance or speaking. I’ll certainly miss seeing everyone from the community leader, user group, and education teams… but I can’t feel too bad, as my wife and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage somewhere very tropical. Good excuse, right? Next year, friends!
Go ahead and register – there is still time!