As the end of the year approaches, I imagine news will thin out a bit as people go about celebrating holidays and wrapping up the current year. This may go bi-weekly during this time depending upon how much news there is. This week also includes a pretty significant milestone: the 2 year anniversary of the announcement by Adobe that they would no longer develop the Android browser plugin version of the Flash Player. The effects of that decision can be felt even today – but the most disastrous consequence is the gutting of what was an absolutely unique community of professionals enthusiastically sharing their knowledge and passion for the platform.
Adobe Gaming SDK 1.3 Released!
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Adobe Gaming SDK version 1.3, part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. The 1.3 release includes new features and updates for all framework components, including:
Mobile Workers (concurrency) BETA – Android
AIR Mobile support for background execution in “Direct” render mode
AIR Support for iOS7 and Mac OS 10.9
Starling – Updated to 1.4.1
Feathers – Updated to 1.1.1
Away3D – Updated to 4.1.5
Away Builder – Updated to 1.0
Dragon Bones – Updated to 2.4
AIR SDK and Compiler – Updated to 3.9
Away Games Maker
Away Games Maker (AwayGamesMaker) is a program for the creation of video games and / or applications that require the use of 2D/3D graphics. Taking advantage of technology Adobe Flash Player , Graphics Library Away3D version 4.1.1 Beta and physical library AwayPhysics version 1.0 (Bullet Physiscs) . You can use the software to create, animate, and color (materials and textures) your three-dimensional models, manage materials, lights, “videocamare” handle complex / multiple 3D scenes and effects, schedule and manage systems of particles, plan and manage physics, create new shader programs, manage video and menus (HUD – head-up display) to be inserted in the scenes, et cetera.
Here is a video demonstration.
Interview with Robert Bateman, founder of Away3d, an open-source 3D engine for the Flash Platform
In this interview we speak with Robert Bateman, the Director of the Away Foundation, about their key projects, their cooperation with JetBrains which is an Associate Partner of the Foundation, and their developers’ experience with open source software provided by JetBrains.
Pixel Mask Starling Extension
A Starling Extension to provide pixel based masking for Starling display objects. Check out the demos!