Hot off the presses! My new book with Packt has been released and is now available: Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide!
This smaller book is being published in addition to a larger Learning Adobe Edge due later this year which covers the final release version of the Edge application and associated technologies.
Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide
Quickly produce engaging motion and rich interactivity with Adobe Edge Preview 4 and above
Author: Joseph Labrecque
Publisher: Packt Publishing (March 2012)
ISBN-10: 1-8496-9330-7
ISBN-13: 978-1-84969-330-1
Pages: 136
A comprehensive quickstart guide for creating engaging content with Adobe Edge. This book enables even those with little knowledge of HTML or programming web content to freely create a variety of rich compositions involving motion and interactivity. Detailed within is everything you need to know to get up to speed with the Adobe Edge Preview.
Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide serves as a quick, getting up-to-speed, go-to book focusing on the prerelease builds of Edge that Adobe has been releasing to Labs every few months. While the quickstart guide is a smaller book at 136 pages, it still covers quite a bit:
- Gain an understanding of the shifting Web landscape
- Effectively compare Adobe Edge to Adobe Flash Professional motion tools
- Become familiar with all elements of the Edge application interface
- Use the drawing tools in Edge to create and manipulate elements on the Stage
- Import rich graphics for use in Adobe Edge compositions
- Animate a range of elements with full transitioning through timeline keyframes
- Employ JavaScript to add interactivity to your project through Actions and Triggers
- Author a range of expressive compositions using nothing but web standards
(Special thanks to Christer Kaitila, author of the Adobe Flash 11 Stage3D (Molehill) Game Programming Beginner’s Guide, for taking some time to tech review the quickstart guide.)
I’m excited by Edge. Just went through a little primer on Does you book focus on the version 5 release of Edge?
It’s made for version 4 and above. Since it is a quickstart guide, it is meant to cover only the basics: which generally should not change too much in newer versions.