I’d like to take some time as this month comes to a close to highlight some articles and posts that have featured my personal involvement with ‘An Early Morning Letter, Displaced‘, Emergent Collective One, or both:
Joseph Labrecque
August 20th – CodeBass.net
360Flex – An awesome night of nerd made music!! 360Flexapalooza!
August 18th – 360|Flex
DU programmer moonlights as electronic musician
July 16th – DU Today
Also, it’s been almost a month since Emergent Collective One was released. Here are some posts about the collection:
- Emergent Collective One Community CD Released
- “Emergent Collective One” – All the Little Pieces…
- EMERGENT COLLECTIVE released, the community rejoices!
- Emergent Collective One
- Emergent Collective One
- PHP The Anthem
- Pique Web Episode 3 – Sessions, accounts, and the PHP Anthem
- Cyberpunks Released
- PHP Anthem
- PHP song by Emergent Collective One, and it ROCKS!
- and many, many more… just Google it!