This will be a very productive Summer for conference presentations! I’ve had a proposal accepted to speak on interfacing the Flash Platform with live services in July during the Adobe Education Leader Summer Institute at Adobe HQ in San Jose, CA. Later on in August I’m presenting two different sessions in Boulder, CO at the Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference. I’ll be doing a lot of speaking prep over the coming weeks!
Here’s a rundown:
Adobe Education Leader Institute – San Jose, CA
Using Collaborative Media Services with Flash in University Applications
July 28, 2010 – 11:15 a.m.
See how the University of Denver uses the Adobe® Flash® Platform across the campus community to allow collaboration between students, faculty, and staff via a number of web applications. This presentation will have both general overview and code example portions. It will cover:
- Connectivity to Facebook and Twitter services
- Specialized collaborative services in university applications like CourseMedia™
- The tracking of targeted activity through Google Analytics APIs
- A general overview of services such as Adobe Social, Adobe Stratus, and the ActionScript® 3.0 Client Library for Facebook Platform
Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference – Boulder, CO
Mobile Outlook 2010 – Where Are We?
August 11, 2010 – 11:10 a.m.
We are currently experiencing what will probably be the largest technological shift since the introduction of the internet onto our campuses for widespread use. Powerful mobile devices are expected to increase at a tremendous rate at universities and elsewhere in the world over the next few years to the point that many activities now done via a desktop machine will be enabled on hand-held devices. This holds great promise but also much uncertainty – so where are we now?
We’ll have a look at the history of these devices, milestones in the evolution of mobile handsets for teaching and learning, and a lot of looking ahead to what the future holds while devising a strategy to plan for what needs to be done today.
Making Rich Video Happen!
August 11, 2010 – 1:10 p.m.
The University of Denver made a strong commitment to delivering rich media for classroom use across campus years ago and we are still going strong. This presentation will cover every aspect of video capture, cataloging, and delivery at DU today through custom-developed solutions as well as failures and lessons learned.
Demonstrated during the presentation will be a variety of toolsets for capturing, transcoding, cataloging, presenting, and monitoring video materials at the University of Denver. With so many different ways of approaching the same problem, special attention will be paid to not only our current, working solutions- but also failures and lessons learned along the way. Depending on the needs of different departments and the variety of materials out there, the tools developed and used can vary quite a bit and we will attempt to provide a clear picture of the general video landscape. We hope to present some suggestions and recommendations for other universities contemplating video solutions based on the experiences we have had over the past 5 years.
I’ll try to record the sessions for later upload to Vimeo and YouTube. The Adobe session should be up on AdobeTV a bit after the event. Should be a GREAT set of speaking engagements.
If you can’t catch any of these events, I’ll also be speaking at Adobe MAX 2010 in Los Angeles- so come see me then!