Every once in a while, Flash Builder loses its mind when I attempt to debug a project and tells me that I don’t have a debug version of Flash Player on my machine. I do… FB is just crazy. Right.
Sometimes it’s looking at the player running in the browser, in which case I just need to perform a debug player install from:
Other times, it’ll be pissed off about the player used by Flash Professional at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\Players
I’ve found a pretty foolproof (for me) way to fix this secondary problem. Just grab FlashPlayer.exe from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder {such and such release}\player\win
Copy this into the Flash Pro location, restart FB, and you should be good.
Don’t know why this happens from time to time… but it’s happened enough that I feel the need to document it- at least for myself.
I just had the same thing happen to me. I pinged the Flash Builder team and they were baffled that this even happens. They seemed to think it had to do with the order Creative Suite and FB4 were installed, but 99% of the time CS would be installed before FB I assume. Either way. Thanks for making this a public resource.
Simple just launch the Standalone FlashPlayer once manually, the OS will be remember the version which you launched at last time and get back when a SWF running again. (work on Windows at least)
I’ve run into a similar problem and I thought I had tracked it down to the updater replacing my debug player with the non-debug player. After re-downloading and re-installing from the download site, it starts working again. http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html
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When I ran FB4, it thought that Winamp was Flash Player 5 and used that!
Launching in the browser works fine. Just inside FB4, there were issues…
Wow! that worked perfectly as expected. It immediately worked. Thank you.
This has annoyed me so many times in the past, your solution works like a charm.