Every once in awhile, I receive postcards and such from my undergraduate institution, Worcester State College. I hold a BA in Communications Media from this school and have no complaints about the degree or the classes I took while a student there. I do, however, die a little inside each time I see one of the horrid visual clusterf@#ks that always accompany these publications. Below is a good example of what I’m talking about:
Got this one when I arrived home this evening. So we have a horrible stitch-job of seemingly random people all crammed together in what might pass for a 10 year old child’s first Photoshop project. That’s something I’ve learned to live with. Not everyone can design well, some people can’t design at all. Some people have no business even contemplating design. No big deal, right? Let’s look a little closer:
Wait a minute… the child… is that her name and a set of phone numbers taped to her chest? Oh yeah it is… wow. You can’t see it here as I’ve modified the image to remove the phone numbers- but sure as I sit here holding this abomination in my hands… you can read the numbers clear as day.
How does something like this get past the designer? How does it get past the approval process? How about the printer? No red flags anywhere along that chain, people??? Then they add the other girl staring directly into the name tag? Still nothing? How about now that I’ve drawn a green, glowing line-of-sight from her eyeball to the phone numbers? Ahhh… now someone might catch it.