The topic of my presentation will be on the DUVAGA Projection System [VPS] and will cover why AIR was chosen as the platform for this application, the development period, and usage. I hope to include slides, code overview, and demos. It’ll be a fast and furious 30 minutes!
Anyone interested in an overview of Flex-based AIR interacting with hardware systems in an intelligent way should attend. Other topics touched on with include Flash Media Server and media distribution systems.
Using AIR to Deliver Media Through Multi-Screen Projection Systems
Flash is a great platform for building multimedia-rich applications and the AIR runtime lends a great deal of extra power to make such media presentation systems truly intelligent. We’ll have a look at how developers at the University of Denver have developed AIR applications that push image/audio/video streams via FMS to classroom projection systems. Platform (and hardware) independent media streaming goodness!
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