I’ve never found the need to have HTML links in Flex behave (and look) like their true HTML counterparts, but a student recently asked how she could get HTML links defined in a Text control to behave like regular HTML links. After digging around, I found a lot of references to this problem but the solution turned up at Flex Freaks:
click here.
Apparently, this should not be used with any degree of reliability so far as future-proofing is concerned since the mx.core.mx_internal class may flux between versions of the Flex SDK.
Listed in the rumored Flex 4 improvements are support for CSS descendant selectors, ID selectors, and space-delimited style names. Something like this should really be handled via CSS so here’s hoping that this will soon be a much simpler process.
Not sure if I’ll ever need this in the future, but in the case that I do- I know it’s here for easy access.
I released a component a while back just for this purpose. You can find it at: http://agileui.blogspot.com/2008/06/styledtext-free-flex-component.html
in order for the HTML link to be properly executed, the ’selectable’ property of the containing TextField must be set to ‘true’