A few weeks ago, I posted the following letter to this weblog as a note of departure. I’ve since decided that it was a poor choice, and have re-instated it here, at this new address. I post the letter here for personal, historical reasons. There is quite a bit of content that was lost in the transition. I will try my best to recover it in the coming days. Thank you.
September 12th, 2008
Dear Visitor,
I hope that you may have found something useful at this website in the past. I have decided to take this all down permanently for a number of personal reasons and hope for your understanding in this. In about a month’s time, everything will expire and even this letter will be lost.
Major catalysts for this action include the hospitalization of someone I care for very dearly, and the sudden death of my father-in-law. I have a great amount of admiration and respect for him and his passing is truly a tragedy. If you are inclined, please pray for the repose of his good soul.
While the content of this website may have been useful for some, it is an unnecessary and fleeting distraction for myself. We have very little time on this earth with those that are close to us and we have to make the most of it. The entire idea of having a website domain bearing my name makes me ill, as the past few months have been rather humbling to say the least. While there is value in what I do- much of it is still dust and ashes and I cannot waste my time on trivial pursuits.
Again, thank you for your interest. I hope that this is a good step for me and for those close to me.
-Joseph Labrecque