Can anyone recommend a nice, stable, FAST webhost? My patience with this current host is wearing thin… plagued by mySQL slowness.
Can anyone recommend a nice, stable, FAST webhost? My patience with this current host is wearing thin… plagued by mySQL slowness.
I know your frustration, I went through a lot of hosting companies myself. But since a few years I have found a top notch hoster: They got big by mouth-to-mouth promotion, open support forums, good prices, perfect packages. The past years I have moved all my sites and client sites to them. 24/7 support by technical staff (that know there stuff!). No unscheduled downtime in the years we have been with them. They are always first in thoroughly testing and then offering new stuff. Need I say more ;-)
Hey Benny- CrystalTech sounds pretty reliable. They have a nice promotion going on right now too- I’ll definitely look into their services.
I’ve hosted 2 client sites on Crystal Tech – very good service. For my personal site I’ve been using Bluehost – dirt cheap and so far only had a few small issues and considering the cost and the importance of the site – I can deal with it…
Anybody but HostMySite. I’ve been with them for years and am currently moving to CrystalTech due to the fact that my customers have been complaining about it going down now and then all the time. I setup a simple automated server up-time check, and sure enough it was being rebooted many times a week – sometimes several times a day. Although they are “barely” within allowable limits, I’m leaving because of the fact that when I asked them about it, they bushed it off as “normal operation”.
I’m going with BlueHost for now. I had a chat with one of their reps and they were able to answer all my questions. I’ll definitely keep CrystalTech in mind as a backup.
This site will be transerred shortly.
Thanks all! has been good to me..