About a month ago, I was interviewed by a writer from the University of Denver faculty and staff monthly newspaper, ‘The Source’. The context of this meeting was the launch of the second iteration of our VAGA project this past January. I sat down with the writer and gave her a short demo of the application, explaining how unique a system this was among educational institutions and the greater world in general, the technologies behind the application, the necessary expertise of such a small group of developers, et cetera. While I understand that not all of what I went into would be included in the paper, I had hoped for a little more technical accuracy and positive engagement.
The article itself is rather short and unfortunately does not convey much of what I tried to get across. In fact, it somewhat erroneously states that “The program was created in ActionScript using the Flash Platform.” While this is somewhat true, the underlying core of the system is built using ColdFusion and mySQL. All of the major tools in the application are built with Flash, and while this is a large chunk of the programming involved, it is certainly not the whole picture.