One of the many features of the University of Denver’s CourseMediaâ„¢ Course Media Management System is a Flash based module that allows students to study images along with metadata within a “matching game” type interface. Expanding upon and simplifying this idea for mobile, I’ve written the initial version of StudyShuffler using AIR for Android.
StudyShuffler provides a casual interface for Art History students to access study materials on the go. Students simply plug in their DU ID, select a gallery of images to pull from, and then proceed to study each image one at a time. To view image metadata, simply touch the card to flip it. To proceed to the next image, just give the mobile device a quick shake!
The mobile app interfaces with a ColdFusion backend which verifies user login and retrieves gallery and image data to present to the user.
This may be available to the University of Denver community upon the release of AIR for Android. For now it is a simple prototype. You can see a demonstration of the app running on a Motorola Droid in the video below!
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